Changing Our Life Path Through Past Life Regression


I was recently asked what would happen if a person were to regress to a past life, and through that experience, make radical alterations that may prevent you from being born into that past life or that family.

I have experienced many sessions with clients where, during a past life regression, they influenced the life so strongly through a change in attitude or decisions, that the outcome of the life was completely different. We can only speculate on what actually happens in these cases. Yet there are some science principles that we can refer to in order to more fully understand these potential alterations in our past lives.

The way that I visualize it is that in each moment we have perhaps an infinite number of paths we can take based on decisions that we make, consciously or unconsciously. All the decisions in the past have led you to this exact position in time and space.

When we go back and alter some of the decisions – typically by presenting a new perspective so that the actual character of the person is quite different – then it must require that the person is moving from one path to another. Whenever we learn or experience something new, we cannot go back to being the person we were previously. Even if we block that experience from our conscious recollection, we are changed. So, even the mere experience of viewing a past life has already changed who you are in the moment that you perceive it. You have new knowledge and have expanded the awareness of yourself.

In Quantum Physics, scientists have shown that observation affects reality. We can apply that concept to memories and past lives as well. We know that observing the past life changes us. But now we can understand that observing the past life can also change that part of you that experienced that past life. In the way that I do past life regression work, the present person can have conversations with the past life person, exchange wisdom and advice, and influence each other in rather remarkable ways.

New physics concepts are now telling us that all time exists simultaneously. All the possible paths are in existence, waiting to be chosen. Of those, there are paths more likely to be chosen – our probabilities.

As in hypnosis, where we are rewiring the way that our brains function in order to alter behaviors and perceptions, in advanced methods of past life regression we can rewire the way our consciousness remembers our life experiences and the pathways that we followed to get to where we are today.

I have experienced many sessions with clients where they did something radical such as is proposed here. A decision was made or an attitude was changed strongly enough that the outcome of the life was completely different. We can only speculate on what actually happens in these cases. The way that I visualize it is that in each moment we have perhaps an infinite number of paths we can take based on decisions that we make, consciously or unconsciously. All the decisions in the past have lead you to this exact position in time and space.

As a visual aid, imagine laying several strings side by side on a table. One string represents the line between the original past life and the present moment, before viewing the past life. The other strings represent all the other pathways that were available as life choices. One of those strings may represent a pathway that occurs when the past life is viewed and altered. It lies close to the original string, and is not so different because it is simply being observed.

When healing work is applied to the past life that radically changes the character and behavior of the past life person, that pathway is represented by a string more removed from the original string. It still may touch it at some point further back in time/space, but a “leap” is accomplished that puts the soul onto another pathway that is radically altered from the original probability.