Remote Viewing Methods Using Affirmations


There are many distinct remote viewing methods which may be used, all of which usually have a common goal: using your ability to ‘see’ something which is far much beyond the reach of your five senses.
The ability to do remote viewing is a natural and innate ability. Everyone has it, yet many of us forget that we ever could do this type of thing as time passes. What is remote viewing? It’s the ability to see or sense something that’s not in your immediate location.

While remote viewing and its methods of practice may seem so-called ‘new age’ in their presentation, in fact, it’s like many other so-called ‘paranormal’ skills, and these are older than time itself.

Remote viewing, in fact, can have different names. Clairvoyant is one such in which the person can receive messages without the presence of a sender on the other side. Telepathy, on the other hand, is a phenomenon where there is both a sender and a receiver.

However, there are still more widely accepted abilities of extrasensory perception, such as maternal instinct when a mother simply knows her child is in danger without having any other information available to her and needs help.
However the most important thing is to find out the best among all these techniques that will suit the person going through such a feat, and the latter will be able to develop this skill swiftly and without posing any harm to the brain. The training in visualizations and meditation can help to a great extent in growing this skill and thus in this way we can train ourselves in extra sensory perceptions.

You can also use other helpful aids when you try to learn how to alter your consciousness state and increase your skills and psychic development with various types of media ‘help.’ For example, you can use books, sound technology tapes, or recordings like CDs that are useful to help you learn how to practice remote viewing.
At a certain time when we are taking this sort of training, we may find ourselves perceiving certain images that have no resemblance to anything that happened in our lives. At such times, we need to calm ourselves down and focus on the actual goal of enhancing our psychic abilities.

As with all forms of training, regardless of the field, it is helpful to start small and work your way through various steps needed to be successful. You can build on top of each lesson to arrive at a viable and useful conclusion.

While going through the training, we may select some images that we perceive in our mind. Then draw them or buy cards or snaps of these images.

It’s important that you be patient with yourself and the results you get while you’re practicing and learning how to become proficient in remote viewing methods and techniques.

As long as you stick to it and practice regularly, you’ll progressively improve, and soon you will be remote viewing with the best of them.Remote viewing can be the best if well practised.