Remote Viewing System


Remote viewing involves subjecting the unconscious mind to seek knowledge about some unseen or distant targets such as people, events or places. During the process, the person induced into remote viewing is expected to give information about any target that may either be away from direct physical view or separated by a distance between the viewer and the target. The target may be hidden from the viewer’s normal senses by distance, time or shielding from clear view. The beginning of the remote viewing session is characterized by defining the data being sought.


The development of remote viewing

The practice of remote viewing began as a government-sponsored research programme by a team of skilled psychics in the United States of America. After conducting an intensive research for many years, the psychics came up with a comprehensive training guide for remote viewing. The aim of the research was to study how the human mind can obtain information about a given subject using the unconscious mind. The study discovered a technique for data collection by the subconscious mind.

Scientists and psychics at the Stanford Research Institute developed the remote viewing protocol for defining distant targets. The protocol enhanced very high levels of precision, far beyond what the scientists initially thought. The system was then used for intensive intelligence and military operations by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the U.S military.


How the system works

The theory of remote viewing takes into account the existence of everything in the universe as a given pattern of information within the subconscious mind. The pattern of information existing in the subconscious is then translated into the conscious mind. In order to allow the subconscious to perform its role effectively, the remote viewer is encouraged to get rid of any rational thoughts during the remote viewing process.

During the viewing, the viewing protocol instructs and trains the subconscious to provide information about the target being focused. The viewer writes down the data obtained on the target and brings it closer to the conscious mind. Once perceived in the conscious mind, the information is put down in the form of drawing, sketch or three-dimensional models. Verbal techniques are also used.


The science-based remote viewing protocol

The viewer should attempt to perceive the identity or the nature of the target being focused until the session is complete.

The possibility that the knowledge of the target would leak to the viewer is avoided by all means. The viewer should not receive any hint about the target except information that is exclusively considered psychic.

The data for remote viewing is recorded to help in verifying the accuracy of the process.

The remote viewing experiment involves the provision for feedback.

Remote viewing is conducted within a well-planned project or well-defined target object, event or place. It is not a spontaneous activity.


Prospective students of remote viewing

Remote viewing lessons are conducted to any interested persons, regardless of age or background. No previous experience or special gift is required to successfully undertake the course. Real results, however, depend on the effectiveness of the training course and the instructor.


Application of remote viewing

Remote viewing is applied and used in everyday life situations such as stock market and futures trading, political and religious situations, studying upcoming catastrophic events, locating missing objects and persons, problem-solving, finding information regarding the past, present and future occurrences among other uses.


Remote viewing is a scientific skill that can deliver up to 80% of accuracy on any data. The session gives the subconscious mind the ability to find information on any subject under study.