Secrets Of Astral Projection


In general, the majority of the population has heard of astral projection. They may have heard of it from a reading a book, watching a movie or from an enlightened friend. However, it seems very few know that astral projection is a genuine occurrence. It is something that we can all naturally do. You may have even projected and never realize that you did so. Many people do.

First, you need to know that astral projection is real and it the ability of any individual to depart their body. We all have this ability and it happens we are asleep during the night. When we are asleep, our body is at rest, our control is taken by subconscious mind a process called astral projecting, though most will not recall doing so. You can go wherever you want when your physical body is asleep. Your astral body travels.

This brings to mind the next question, what is the astral body? The astral body is the invisible duplicate of the body, commonly known as the ethereal body. It is the core of our feelings and desires. Why doesn’t the astral body leave and not come back? The astral body is tied to the physical body with a silver cord.

The silver cord first connects as the astral body fuses with the physical body. This is not exhausted until after death when the astral body leaves the physical body for the last time. The cord prevents the astral body from not returning.

You may wonder where you may go when you astral project. Astral body goes to the astral plane. It is the invisible double of the Earth. It has a faster vibration than the physical Earth and its vibrations penetrate to the center of the Earth. Some define it as another dimension of reality. However, the majority agree that there are many levels of the astral plane.

The key to astral projection include knowing what you are doing and where you want to go while doing it. You must have complete control of what your astral body may be doing, since your thoughts control your projection experiences.

If you prepare yourself properly beforehand you can find yourself able to astral project very quickly. There are a number of professionals in the field of astral projection that teach different techniques to help a person gain that control and have a better experience, though most prefer to astral project on their own at home.

For instance, you can create the right state of mind by listening to quality astral projection conscious recordings. It will assist you relax and moves you through the stages. This is beneficial since you can continue playing the recording repeatedly until your subconscious mind picks up the message that it is all right for you to leave your body.

You should not become frustrated when you are not successful at astral projection when you first begin. You must practice the art to perfect it. It is not something you must acquire, since we are all capable of doing it. However, you need to fine-tune your natural ability since you have forgotten it.

Are you still not so sure? Think about the last time you dreamt you were flying or felt as if you had fallen. It feels similar to flying when the astral body moves throughout the astral plane. When the astral body returns to the physical body the perception is much like falling and landing. Astral projection is naturally very real. We can all do it and find it beneficial in many ways. It does however; take time to fine-tune this natural ability.